Tips To Create Product Videos That


5 Professional Tips To Create Product Videos That Convert

Some advantages of having product videos are; their ability to explain how complex products works, allows the customer to actually see what they’re going to purchase, and keeps the customer from making in-store purchases.

So creating a product video is a task of huge responsibility, and here are five professional tips for creating amazing product videos:

1. Introducing your product without delay

When someone is interested in your product, they might want to know more about it. They will want to watch your product video to affirm their thoughts about your product. The tip is to introduce the product right away in the product video. If customers are made to wait through a long product video, they might lose interest in the product, and you surely don’t want to lose a potential customer.

2. Thumbnail

The thumbnail is the first thing the customer sees before even clicking on your product video. It has a lot of influence on the customer. A thumbnail that has nothing mentioned about the product and is simple and boring will instantly demotivate the customer, and they’ll not be interested anymore in buying your product. Your thumbnail should be engaging and make the customer understand why they should choose to watch your video. A catchy thumbnail that represents your brand/company will engage the customer.

3. The product video should represent your brand

Your product videos should represent what your brand is. If you’re consistent and committed to your brand’s image, it will show in your product videos. It’ll also assure the customer of the nature of your brand. For example, if your brand is a light-hearted brand for kid’s clothing, you can make the product video humorous and fun to watch.


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